
Are we behaving properly?

At Ornestation Mors, we want to stand for openness and responsibility in everything we do, just as we want to promote an open culture based on dialogue. Everyone must be able to express themselves freely, and so that there are no obstacles in the way of this, we have established a whistleblower scheme.

A whistleblower scheme is a safe and anonymous opportunity for employees and business partners to draw attention to a suspicion that irregularities or illegalities are taking place at Ornestation Mors.

The whistleblower scheme can only be used to report serious matters or suspicions thereof. There must be violations of laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, etc. Less serious matters, such as dissatisfaction with pay or a colleague you don't like, cannot be reported via the whistleblower scheme. You can read more about our whistleblowing policy here at OrnestationMors.dk.

Here you can also read about anonymity, IT security and make reports, which you can then follow up on in the processing.

Ornestation Mors gives high priority to reports in the whistleblower system.
All reports are treated confidentially, and storage and investigation of inquiries is done confidentially and reassuring view of persons who are not part of the ownership circle/management.

Go to report
Click here to report
Our policy
Read about our strive for a healthy and respectful working environment
How to stay anonymous